Meet with Us

High-Velocity Supply Chains and the Innovation that Fuels Them  

Samrah Khan, Google
Eric Fullerton, project44

3:15 - 3:45 PM

Monday, 10-June

© Copyright 2023 project44

Speaking Session

Network with project44

Explore supply chain innovations that drive efficiency and growth. Dive in deeper to discuss solutions for your  logistics challenges.

 Let's optimize your supply chain together! 

Book a Demo or Meeting

Booth 306

Networking Nightcap

Ready to experience the future of supply chain visibility?

Take the first step toward optimizing your supply chain.

Pre-schedule Your meeting with project44 at the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium, in  your dedicated time slot and unlock the power of real-time visibility for your business.

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Speaking Sessions

Join us to discuss cutting-edge strategies to streamline operations, reduce friction and drive growth in your organization.

Title of Session 1
June 10, 2024  |  15:15 - 15:45

Title of Session 2
June 11, 2024  |  12:30 - 12:50
XPO Theatre

Executive Networking Dinner with project44

The best connections happen with great cocktails and food. Continue the great conversations well into the evening. You and your team are welcome. Registration and details below.


Meet us at Booth TBD

Explore supply chain innovations that drive efficiency and growth. Drive in deeper to discuss solutions for your logistics challenges. Let's optimize your supply chain together.

Book Meeting


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Networking Nightcap with project44

The best connections happen with great cocktails and food. Continue the great conversations into the evening. You and your team are welcome. Reserve your spot now.

Rosa Mexicana, Dolphin Hotel
May 7, 2024  |  9:00pm - 11:00pm ET

Book Your Meeting

Meet us at the Booth 327

Explore supply chain innovations that drive efficiency and growth. Drive in deeper to discuss solutions for your logistics challenges. Let's optimize your supply chain together.

Book a meeting or demo ahead of the event.

Speaking Sessions

Join us for exclusive sessions with project44 customers and supply chain experts as we discuss cutting-edge strategies to streamline operations, reduce friction, enhance efficiency, and drive growth in your organization. Use this opportunity to gain invaluable insights and network with industry leaders.  

Join us 
at Gartner Supply Chain Symposium | Xpo


June 10-12, 2024

Tuesday, 11-June

12:30- 12:50 PM

Journey to Supply Chain Transformation Driven by Visibility 

Curt Metzler, Alcon Laboratories
Mads Porsborg, project44

Schedule Your Meeting

Explore how Alcon achieved real-time visibility in their supply chain. Learn about the challenges faced, the implementation of a solution, and its significant impact to drive a full supply chain transformation. Discover how they streamlined operations, empowered teams, and enhanced efficiency. Explore unexpected benefits and future aspirations for a global solution.

In this session we introduce high-velocity supply chains, an approach that yields benefits such as shorter lead times, optimized inventories, and enhanced flexibility. Essential in achieving high-velocity supply chain operations is smart data – a unified, real-time, and accurate dataset enhanced machine learning and AI technologies. By integrating smart data across all facets of the supply chain ecosystem, companies can act quickly with confidence to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer experience